Visit KB Ruado's Github Profile KB Ruado's Github Profile Picture KB Ruado (@Insidiae)

Hello There.

I'm an online course enthusiast, constantly learning new technologies to improve my personal tech stack. In my free time I binge online courses/workshops and connect with various tech communities both local and worldwide.

Languages and Tools

I specialize in

HTML CSS Javascript TypeScript Sass MongoDB Express React Node.js D3

I also do

Remix Next.js Redux NestJS Astro Jest Testing Library Firebase Python Jupyter Notebook NumPy Pandas Matplotlib Scikit-learn Tensorflow Tailwind

I'm currently learning

Three.js tRPC PostgreSQL Rust PyTorch GraphQL

I'm interested in

Vue.js Svelte Angular Storybook Vitest C# Unity R Embedded C C++ Arduino Raspberry PI

Featured Projects

(New) Thumbnail image from The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp's Udemy page

YelpCamp (MERN Remake)

MongoDB Express React Node

With the re-release of The Web Developer Bootcamp, I decided to remake the final course project using React (and Tailwind) instead of EJS to display the frontend.

My Social Media Links