Hello There.
I'm an online course enthusiast, constantly learning new technologies to improve my personal tech stack. In my free time I binge online courses/workshops and connect with various tech communities both local and worldwide.
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Featured Projects
Epic React Checkpoints
Notes and Code as I go along with Kent C. Dodds' Epic React course.
Fullstack D3: React Edition
Course exercises and projects from the Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization book, remade using React + D3 + TypeScript.
YelpCamp (MERN Remake)
With the re-release of The Web Developer Bootcamp, I decided to remake the final course project using React (and Tailwind) instead of EJS to display the frontend.
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
Course exercises and notes from Colt Steele's JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass course. Also features course exercises from the ZTM Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews course.
Warbler: 2022 Edition
I completely rewrote The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp's final project, updating the project's tech stack to use modern tools and technologies in 2022.